Older man smiling by a wall

Health Insurance Marketplace

What is the Health Insurance Marketplace?

The Health Insurance Marketplace is a place where people shop for affordable health insurance. Maine uses CoverME.gov and New Hampshire uses HealthCare.gov. Typically, 85% of people receive financial assistance to make the plans more affordable.

When can I sign up for health insurance?

Open Enrollment is November 1 to January 15 each year. You may be eligible for a Special Enrollment Period during the rest of the year if you have had a qualifying life event (losing health insurance, moving, getting married, having a baby, or adopting a child).

Can I get help signing up for health insurance?

Yes! We have Certified Assisters who will meet with you in-person, review your options, and help you apply & enroll. Please call with questions or to set up an appointment with one of our Assisters.

Can I enroll on my own?

Yes -- here’s how to apply and enroll on your own:

If you live in Maine:

1. Visit CoverME.gov. The “window shopping” tool allows you to quickly determine if you are eligible for financial assistance and review plans before applying.
2. Call the Consumer Assistance Center at 1-866-636-0355.

If you live in New Hampshire:

3. Visit HealthCare.gov. The estimator tool allows you to quickly determine if you are eligible for financial assistance and review plans before applying.
4. Call the Health Insurance Marketplace at 800-318-2596 (24 hours a day/7 days a week).

Compare Plans

To get a head start on choosing coverage for next year, you can preview plans and prices now through the CoverME.gov Plan Compare tool. Plan Compare also allows you to see an estimate of the financial assistance you may qualify for, just by answering a few basic questions.

Would you like a helping hand?

MaineHealth Findhelp (formerly Aunt Bertha), is an online directory of free or reduced-cost services like medical care, food, housing and more.