Access to affordable health care can be a challenge for people who are under-insured, uninsured or low income. That's why MaineHealth offers innovative programs to help patients and families access affordable health care, medications, health coverage, transportation and more.
High-quality health care for all
Since 2001, our nationally-recognized programs have helped hundreds of thousands of community members access:
- Affordable health coverage and high-quality health care
- Free and low-cost prescription medications
- Assistance with transportation, housing, food and health care system navigation
MaineHealth Access to Care Programs
MaineHealth helps uninsured or under-insured patients enroll in programs such as Medicaid/MaineCare and the health insurance marketplace. We can also help with access to food, heating assistance, transportation and more.
Learn more about the MaineHealth health insurance coverage team.
The MaineHealth MedAccess program helps patients and their providers find low-cost prescription drugs. We work with pharmaceutical company patient assistance programs, pharmacy discount and generic drug programs, Medicare Part D and federal state and local programs to help patients save on medication costs.
There is no charge for our services and anyone who needs help paying for prescription drugs is eligible.
For more information, please call 877-275-1787 (toll free) or 207-662-7968.
The MaineHealth CarePartners program provides free and low-cost health care for low-income, uninsured adults who cannot afford private health insurance and do not qualify for public health care coverage programs. Services include:
- Primary and specialty care services
- Affordable prescription medication
- Lab, X-ray and hospital services at no cost
- Referrals to community services and resources
To be eligible for CarePartners, you must:
- Be between 19 and 64 years old
- Not be eligible for Medicaid or Medicare
- Live in, or have a primary care doctor in:
- Androscoggin County, Maine
- York County, Maine
- Franklin County, Maine
- Oxford County, Maine
- Knox County, Maine
- Waldo County, Maine
- Lincoln County, Maine
- Sagadohoc County, Maine
- Cumberland County, Maine
- Carroll County, New Hampshire
- You may be eligible if you're over age 65 and don't qualify for Medicare.
- When applying, you cannot be eligible for health care insurance through government-sponsored programs, which include but are not limited to: Medicaid, Medicare and veterans’ benefits.
- Applicants will need to provide a tax return to show their most recent annual income, as well as show proof of current wages and any current unearned income. The federal poverty guidelines[AGF1] are updated every year by the federal government, based on cost of living adjustments.
How does the program work?
- Intake coordinators work with applicants to determine eligibility and to help them understand their options for health care coverage, such as Medicaid, Medicare and veterans’ benefits.
- Case managers work with patients to connect them to community resources, provide health education and help them better understand the health care system.
- Doctors, hospitals and other health care providers give a full range of health care services, including primary care, specialist care, all inpatient and outpatient services, and diagnostic testing.
- Primary care physicians (PCPs) and nurse practitioners typically agree to be a primary care provider for 10 patients at any one time. Specialists typically provide up to 20 referral visits a year for program enrollees.
- CarePartners enrollees get a membership card that works like a health insurance card and gives them access to health care services and certain prescription medications.
- CarePartners members pay no more than $10 for each office visit. Prescription co-payments range from $10 to $25. Lab, X-ray and other hospital services are offered at no charge.
How do I join the program?
To enroll, or for more information, please call 1-877-626-1684 (toll-free).
Do you need help applying for health coverage, accessing affordable medications, finding transportation or other social services?
Contact the MaineHealth Patient Assistance Line
- Phone: 1-833-MHHELP1 (1-833-644-3571)
- Email:
Our team will work with any MaineHealth patient (or medical provider on behalf of a patient) seeking assistance with issues that are negatively affecting their health such as:
- Health insurance
- Medications
- Transportation
- Housing
- Food insecurity
There is no charge. This service is funded by MaineHealth.
Homeless HealthPartners provides outreach, engagement and medical care coordination services to Portland patients experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness. Homeless HealthPartners is a partnership between MaineHealth Maine Medical Center, Preble Street Learning Collaborative, Preble Street and Greater Portland Health to ensure that get the care they need to stay healthy by:
- Facilitating access to primary care services in the community
- Referring to specialty medical, behavioral health and social service providers
- Working with care providers across the health system
- Reducing use of emergency departments for needs that can be addressed in the primary care and/or behavioral health/social service setting
- Identifying needs, gaps and capacities in the health system as they relate specifically to Portland's homeless population
Who is involved in Homeless HealthPartners?
Homeless HealthPartners works with:
- MaineHealth Maine Medical Center and Preble Street Learning Collaborative
- MaineHealth Maine Medical Center Care Management
- MaineHealth Maine Medical Center Department of Medical Education
- MaineHealth Medical Group Population Health
- MaineHealth Accountable Care Organization
- MaineHealth Home Health & Hospice
- MaineHealth Urgent Care Plus - Brighton Ave - Portland
- City of Portland
- University of New England School of Social Work
- University of Southern Maine School of Nursing
- Portland YMCA
What does Homeless HealthPartners do?
Homeless HealthPartners receives patient referrals from Preble Street, Greater Portland Health, MaineHealth Maine Medical Center, MaineHealth Medical Group practices and MaineHealth providers. Services are intended to be easy to access, short-term and focused on engaging patients in their own medical care.
Homeless HealthPartners is mobile and flexible, meaning we meet patients in the community, hospital, emergency department, shelter, soup kitchen or at their doctor’s office. Case managers can provide the following services:
- Accompany patients to medical appointments
- Connect patients to transportation and prescription medication programs
- Work to help patients understand health information
- Holistic case management for complete and integrated systems of support
The Complex Coverage Group serves as a resource to hospitalized patients who need intensive assistance navigating social safety net programs such as Medicare, Social Security, MaineCare and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Health Insurance Marketplace.
Our case managers provide direct patient support and expertise through hospital discharge and beyond, until the application or transition process is complete. Complex Coverage Group staff members also serve as guides to Patient Care Managers who have general program questions.
MaineHealth Findhelp is an online directory of free or reduced-cost services like medical care, food, housing and more.
MaineHealth Patient Assistance Line
Need help applying for health coverage, accessing affordable medications, finding transportation or other social services? Contact the MaineHealth Patient Assistance Line:
- Phone: 1-833-MHHELP1 (1-833-644-3571)
- Email: