Partial Hospitalization Care

MaineHealth provides behavioral health partial hospitalization services for people who are too ill to attend traditional outpatient therapy, but do not require hospitalization. Often, partial hospitalization services help patients transition back into the community after a psychiatric hospitalization. Partial hospitalization services may be recommended for:

  • Adults with a chronic and severe mental health condition
  • Adults with co-occurring mental health condition and substance use disorder

A bridge to family, work and community

The partial hospitalization program (PHP) bridges the gap between hospital and community programs. It provides an alternative to hospitalization for people who require more intensive treatment than outpatient office visits, but less than 24-hour inpatient care.

We help patients reach their wellness goals through individual treatment planning provided by a team of psychiatrists, social workers and nurses. Our team coordinates clinical care with patients, families and community resources - helping patients reach their highest level of emotional stability and independence before fully transitioning back into the community.


Patients are taught how to manage emotions, distressing situations, distorted thought patterns and belief systems that contribute to their behavioral health condition. The goal is to reduce symptoms to prevent inpatient hospitalization. Services include:

  • Group therapy
  • Skill building

For more information, please call 207-662-2221.