Waldo County General Hospital
Woman Riding A Bike

Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy

Physical therapy helps patients of all ages recover from injuries or disorders of the skeletal system and its associated muscles, joints and ligaments. Our licensed physical therapists and PT assis­tants assess and treat musculoskeletal injury, help prevent pain or further damage, train different muscles to compensate for ones that have been damaged and, ultimately, restore the patient’s ability to work, play and live as normally as possible. PT’s emphasis is on biomechanics – the physics of how the body moves – and focuses primarily on the rehabilitation of the upper and lower extremities and the spine.

Outpatient Physical and Occupational Therapy

 For more information on adult and pediatric physical and occupation therapy, neurological disorders and LSVT BIG program, please visit our Outpatient Physical and Occupational Therapy page.  

WCGH’s comprehensive PT diagnostic and treatment resources – provided on both an inpatient and outpatient basis – include:

  • Thorough assessments to identify the source of pain or mobility problem
  • Therapeutic plans tailored to each patient’s unique needs and utilizing a range of treatments, including:
    • Manual therapy techniques such as joint mobilization to improve limited motion
    • Therapeutic exercise to address specific muscle dysfunction, and increase muscle strength and endurance
    • Techniques to improve neuromuscular control and muscle sequencing
    • Aquatic PT which lessens pressure on muscles and joints
    • Bracing/taping to support and/or hold a body part stable and motionless to prevent pain and further injury
    • Orthotics, custom-designed appliances that help to prevent and correct deformities that may hinder a patient’s ease of movement, and aid in support and alignment.
    • Patient education about self-management techniques

Unrivaled Clinical Expertise - With Waldo County’s largest rehabilitation team, patients have access to an unrivaled depth and breadth of PT and OT expertise that can be tailored to the individual’s unique needs and goals.

The Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy Center at Waldo County General Hospital in Belfast has treated many athletes and have now added concussion management to their list of services offered. In the past few years as the emphasis on concussions has increased, school nurses and coaches have gotten better at recognizing and testing for concussions. In the past few years as the emphasis on concussions has increased, school nurses and coaches have gotten better at recognizing and testing for concussions and referring players to the hospital as needed.

What is a concussion?

A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that occurs when the brain is shaken into the skull, causing changes in the way the brain functions. A concussion may happen as a result of a direct blow to the head or an indirect force, such as whiplash.

What are the signs & symptoms?

  • appears dazed
  • confused
  • clumsy
  • answers questions slowly
  • personality/behavior changes
  • forgets events prior to injury
  • forgets events after injury
  • loss of consciousness
  • headache
  • nausea
  • balance problem
  • double vision
  • sluggishness
  • feeling “foggy”
  • sleep pattern changes
  • cognitive changes
  • light/sound sensitivity

Many times the symptoms disappear with rest. But no two concussions are the same and sometimes the symptoms last for weeks or even months. This is when a physical therapist or an occupational therapist can help. Either can perform an examination to assess the individual’s symptoms and limitations and then design an individualized treatment program.

Many times the symptoms of a concussion disappear with rest. But no two concussions are the same and sometimes the symptoms last for weeks or even months. A PT or OT
professional can perform an examination to assess the individual’s symptoms and limitations and then design an individualized treatment program. Some of the biggest areas they can help with are:

  • Stopping dizziness
  • Improving balance
  • Reducing headaches
  • Decreasing neck/back pain
  • Helping them return to sport work

No one should return to sport or vigorous activity while signs or symptoms of a concussion are present. Experts recommend that an athlete with a suspected concussion not return to play until he or she has been medically checked out by a health care professional trained in evaluating and managing concussions. Experts also recommend that all athletes with a concussion not return to play on the same day as the injury.

David Orsmond, PT, CVT and Moriah Grant, OT, CVT are the concussion treatment team at Waldo County General Hospital. They are both certified vestibular therapists who treat mild brain injuries. Grant is also finishing up her certification in craniosacral therapy, a light touch therapy that manipulates membranes within the nervous system to restore their normal function. Dysfunction of these membranes can contribute to headaches. 

Among the other therapies available at the concussion management program are manual therapy for neck and back pain, and functional training which involves an individualized program of specific exercises that address the demands of your sport or work and help you regain your physical abilities as quickly as possible.

Patients in the concussion management program have already seen some tremendous results, in some cases in only a few treatments. Ongoing therapy may be needed in other cases. The length of the treatment is affected by both the severity of the concussion, the patient’s history, and possible number of previous concussions suffered by the patient.

The concussion management program only sees patients who have a referral from their doctor. They work closely with and make referrals, if necessary, to ear, nose and throat specialists, audiologists, speech therapists, neurologists, neuropsychologists and optometrists.

Concussions need to be taken seriously. Our therapists are available to speak to parents, coaches and athletic directors. Please call for more information 207-505-4584. 

Whether you are a competitive or recreational runner, you want to have the best experience you can. Fixable patterns of muscular weakness or abnormal tension are often to blame for a variety of running related injuries. Our skilled physical therapists can help you improve running mechanics to prevent injury and become more efficient at your sport.

Our running gait analysis provides an in-depth, individualized evaluation of your running form and body movement to identify areas that may be contributing to or causing pain during or after your run. Get on our Woodway treadmill and a physical therapist will evaluate your running mechanics utilizing video imaging. Recommendations for exercises and form changes can be made specifically for you.

Cost: $128. Private pay only. No insurance or physician referral is required.
For more information please call the Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy Center at 207-338-4666.
Whether you ride your bike occasionally or are putting in many miles every week, a proper fitting bike is important to avoid injury and to improve performance. When your bike fits properly, you optimize the work your body does while riding.
Bike fittings include evaluations of a person’s riding history, current or past injuries, a musculoskeletal examination, bike measurements and assessment of the cyclist on their bike. Adjustments can be made to your existing bicycle to achieve the best possible fit, such as seat positioning, handlebar orientation and angle, and pedal-foot alignment to enhance your form.
Appointment length is typically one hour. Follow up appointments may be necessary depending on the adjustments made or if new parts (recommended by the therapist and purchased by the cyclist) need to be fitted properly. Cost: $128. Private pay only. No insurance or physician referral is required.
For more information please call the Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy Center at 207-505-4584.

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