Let's Go!

Logic Model & Evaluation

Let’s Go! has a comprehensive evaluation plan to guide data collection, analysis and reporting of program data and measurement benchmarks to track progress and make improvements. The Let’s Go! logic model is a graphic depiction of our program activities, how we measure progress, and the intended outcomes.

Let’s Go!’s theory of change is rooted in the social-ecological model of behavior change, which recognizes multiple levels of influence on health behaviors including family, friends, local surroundings, the built environment, and community. In order to bring about behavior change, the supporting environments and policies need to be adapted to make it easier for people to make healthy choices.

Our program evaluation has three major components:

  1. Tracking short term implementation of program strategies for environmental and policy change
  2. Monitoring longer term changes in awareness and knowledge
  3. Tracking longer term health outcomes such as healthy behaviors and improved weight status

2021-2022 Let's Go! Evaluation Report

View the 2021-2022 Let's Go! Evaluation Report.

Let's Go! Program Outcomes and Overview

Check out this snapshot to learn more about our programs, strategies and impact we are having in our communities.