Founded in 2008, the Community Employment Services Project is funded by the Maine Department of Health and Human Services Office of Behavioral Health. In July 2010, the Maine Department of Labor, Bureau of Rehabilitation Services joined DHHS-OBH in its support to the project.
Employment and education for individuals with mental illness
The Community Employment Services Project provides supported employment and education services to individuals clinically eligible for MaineCare Section 17 or 92 services (community integration or behavioral health home) throughout the State of Maine. Employment Specialists work in eight behavioral health agency locations throughout the state, and two supervisors oversee the project. The goal of the project is to increase the rates of competitive employment and education attainment for individuals with mental illness.
- AMHC, Caribou
- AMHC, Marshfield
- Community Care, Bangor
- AngleZ Behavioral Health Services, Augusta
- Common Ties, Lewiston
- Spurwink, Portland
- MaineHealth Behavioral Health in Belfast, Biddeford and Rockland
To contact the employment specialist in your area please call 207-662-2088. If there is a vacancy in your region, please contact the supervisor for that area.
Aroostook County
Vanessa Connolly, CIPS, ACRE, Employment Specialist III
Aroostook Mental Health Center - Caribou
Penobscot & Piscataquis Counties
Melissa Lowe, MS, CIPS, ACRE, Employment Specialist IV
Community Care - Bangor
Hancock & Washington Counties
Gillian Gaddis, Employment Specialist III
AMHC - Machias
Kennebec and Somerset Counties
AngleZ Behavioral Health Services - Augusta
Knox, Lincoln, Sagadahoc & Waldo Counties
Maine Behavioral Healthcare - Rockland
Androscoggin, Franklin, Oxford Counties & Bridgton
Sydney Williams, MSEd, ACRE, Employment Specialist IV
Common Ties Mental Health Services - Lewiston
Cumberland County
Joel Costigan, MSEd, CIPS, ACRE, Employment Specialist IV
Spurwink - Portland
York County
Kristina Duff, MS, CIPS, ACRE, Employment Specialist IV
Maine Behavioral Healthcare – Biddeford
Gayla Dwyer, MCES - Supervisor, Augusta/North
Patricia Salvatore, CIPS, MCES, CADC, CIPSS - Supervisor, Rockland/South
Nancy Litrocapes, MSEd, CIPS, IPS Trainer and Liaison
- Volume 1: IPS Newsletter (
- Volume 2: IPS Newsletter (
- Volume 3: IPS Newsletter (
- Volume 4: IPS Newsletter (
- Volume 5: IPS Newsletter (
- Volume 6: IPS Newsletter (
- Volume 7: IPS Newsletter (
- Volume 8: IPS Newsletter (
- Volume 9: IPS Newsletter (
- Volume 10: IPS Newsletter (
- Volume 11: IPS Newsletter (
For additional information, please download Is Work Missing From My Life?, a booklet produced by MaineHealth Vocational Services Portland through a contract with the DHHS Office of Substance Abuse and Adult Mental Health Services.
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