Tobacco Use Treatment and Prevention

The Center for Tobacco Independence (CTI) works across the state of Maine to address tobacco use and exposure through education, prevention, policy, treatment and training initiatives.

Statewide Treatment

Quitting tobacco is often the most important thing a person can do for his or her future health. Advice and assistance from healthcare professional remains a powerful tool for helping tobacco users quit.

The Maine Tobacco HelpLine
The Maine Tobacco HelpLine offers statewide treatment counseling and medication for Maine resident tobacco users. Participants who are ready to quit within 30 days may be eligible to for free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) vouchers (up to 8 weeks for each biannual registration). To register for services or find out more information please call 1-800-207-1230 or visit the

Referrals to the Maine Tobacco HelpLine
Quitting tobacco is often the most important thing a person can do for his or her future health. Advice and assistance from healthcare professional remains a powerful tool for helping tobacco users quit. The Maine Tobacco HelpLine accepts provider-assisted referrals from healthcare professionals. 

Training and Education
The Center for Tobacco Independence provides training and education for providers on treating tobacco use and referring to the Maine Tobacco HelpLine. Learn more.

Statewide Prevention

The statewide Tobacco Prevention Services initiative includes strategies implemented by the Center for Tobacco Independence and fourteen community-based sub-recipients, District Tobacco Prevention Partners (DTPP), across three focus areas: prevention of youth initiation; reducing exposure to secondhand smoke; and promotion of tobacco treatment through the Maine Tobacco HelpLine (MTHL).

Secondhand Exposure
The Smoke-Free Home Pledge is a pledge all Maine residents can take to commit to setting their own rules against smoking in their home. By taking the pledge, individuals are committing to protect their home and family from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke. The pledge is a good resource to talk with people about the benefits of having a smoke free environment – and provides information about secondhand smoke, quitting smoking, stickers, a door decal, and coloring cards for kids.

The Center for Tobacco Independence provides support across Maine for policy, systems and environmental changes that reduce exposure to secondhand smoke where Maine residents live, work, and play. Through CTI programs, evidence-based policy is supported through technical assistance, resources and recognition programs. Environments targeted for change include behavioral health facilities, institutions of higher education, healthcare organizations, municipal parks, recreation and beach areas, schools, lodging and multi-unit housing. 

The annual Gold Star Standards of Excellence recognition program recognizes those hospitals that are addressing smoking and tobacco use by creating and maintaining smoke and tobacco-free policies. As leaders in health care, Maine hospitals seek to optimize the health of patients and the surrounding community. Hospitals provide key community support and are exemplary role models of health care excellence. Tobacco-free campus policies are examples of this commitment that benefits patients, employees, and the entire community.

All hospital campuses in the MaineHealth network of care are tobacco-free and have been awarded Gold Star status by Breathe Easy.

Quit smoking? Here's help

Toll free: 1-800-207-1230

The Maine Tobacco HelpLine is here to help. We are open every day, including weekends. We have extended hours, so we're here when you get home from work, from 8am - 12am. Certified specialists can help you quit tobacco for good.

Tobacco HelpLine

Would you like a helping hand?

MaineHealth Findhelp (formerly Aunt Bertha), is an online directory of free or reduced-cost services like medical care, food, housing and more.