Maine Medical Center

Adult Psychiatry

MaineHealth Behavioral Health Portland provides comprehensive, evidence-based, psychiatric care for people with mental health conditions. Treatment is focused on recovery and helping patients reach their full functional potential.

Expert psychiatric care for adults

Our recovery-based care philosophy includes partnering with patients and families by:

  • Providing expert comprehensive and coordinated team-based care
  • Providing treatment that is informed by outcomes and evidence
  • Committing to ongoing education and professional development of staff and trainees
  • Embracing research as an integral part of our work
  • Evaluating and allocating resources to meet defined patient population and trainee needs


Services include:

Please call 207-662-2221 for more information, or to make an appointment.

More about our services

Our multidisciplinary team of highly experienced professionals includes:

  • Board Certified Psychiatrists
  • Psychiatry Residents
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Clinical Nurse Specialists
  • Registered Nurses
  • Licensed Neuropsychologists
  • Licensed Psychologists
  • Licensed Clinical Social Workers
  • Psychiatric Assistants
  • Vocational / Employment Specialists
  • Social Work Interns
  • Medical Students

We excel in the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric and co-occurring disorders. We take pride in assisting local primary care physicians in delivering safe and effective mental health treatment for their patients with the best possible outcomes. Consultation provides professional diagnostic expertise and recommendations for further evaluation and treatment.

We partner with local primary care providers via consultation, liaison, and integration to deliver safe and effective mental health treatment in primary care settings. In consultation, we offer diagnostic expertise and treatment recommendations to primary care providers and their patients. When indicated, we offer recommendations for more specialized levels of care.