Colin T Phillips, MD
- Interventional Cardiology |
- Cardiovascular Disease |
- Internal Medicine

I completed my clinical and research fellowship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Division of Cardiovascular Disease, in Boston. I was an intern and resident in internal medicine at Beth Israel, and I served as a primary care chief medical resident at Boston’s VA Medical Center and a clinical fellow in medicine at Harvard Medical School. I received a doctorate of medicine from the University of California, School of Medicine, in San Diego and a bachelor of science in biochemistry/neurobiology from the University of Washington in Seattle. In 2016, I received the Franz Aepfelbacher, M.D. Award from the Beth Israel Cardiovascular Fellowship Program, which is given to a second-year fellow demonstrating a humanistic approach to cardiovascular care, commitment to fellow trainees, and unwavering support of excellence in the clinical care of patients.