Maine Medical Center

Apply & Contact | Vascular Surgery Residency

MHMMC participates in the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP). This process selects all PGY-1 residents in the institution. The Vascular Surgery Integrated residency Program has one PGY-1 position per year.

Applications will be accepted ONLY through Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). To apply for the Vascular Surgery Integrated residency please use ERAS only. 

In addition to the ERAS application we require a transcript of your grades, Dean's letter, three letters of recommendation, a personal statement, and USMLE or scores. The deadline for receipt of applications is October 15. We will not review any applications received after this date. The residency committee reviews each applicant's preliminary file, then makes a decision whether or not the applicant will be interviewed, placed on a waiting list or not be interviewed. After the preliminary evaluation you will receive an email from us indicating your status. Here is a copy of our resident contract for your reference.

Stipends & Benefits


Jilian Dickson
Residency Program Manager
Phone: 207-662-6901