Maine Medical Center
Surgeons prepping for an operation

Conferences & Didactics

Monthly Conferences

 Tuesdays 5:30 - 7:00PMWednesdays 7:00 - 8:00 AMThursdays 7:00  - 8:00 AM
1stMMP-U Practice Management
Indications/AUA Update Review
GU Tumor Conference
2ndJournal Club
Indications/IVP Conference
M&M Conference
3rdPediatric Uro Radiology
Indications/AUA Guidelines
GU Tumor Conference
4thPatho-physiology Seminar
Indications/AUA Update Review
Grand Rounds

Residents have protected time from 7:00 – 8:00 am daily, except for Wednesday, for resident-led didactic sessions.

MMP-U Practice Management Grand Rounds
Faculty only. Residents do not attend.

Journal Club
Monthly review of current journal articles

Pediatric Uro Radiolology
Monthly multidisciplinary clinical case conference

Patho-physiology Seminar
Monthly didactic teaching conference based on AUA Core Curriculum

GU Tumor Conference
Biweekly multidisciplinary genito-urinary tumor clinical case conference

M & M
Monthly review and discussion of morbidity and mortality

Grand Rounds
Monthly comprehensive topic oriented review

Indications Conference
Weekly review of the following week's surgical cases

IVP Conference
Review any cases that the attending docs would like to discuss - presentations can be informal with the purpose of collectively reviewing and offering advice

GU Working Group
Quarterly multidisciplinary journal club with focus on select topics in genito-urinary oncology

AUA Update Review
Faculty and Residents review the assigned AUA Update for that week. The Faculty member on call the weekend prior is responsible for leading the discussion. Updates are not reviewed in October and early November to ensure Residents have time to study for the ISE and for residency recruitment interviews that happen in November.