The curriculum offered in our Residency program is consistent with the Educational Objectives put forth by the Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology (CREOG). We employ multiple evaluation tools to get the clearest overall picture of a resident's progression. We utilize language consistent with the ACGME Milestones and integrate the Milestone Language into our evaluation processes with our Clinical Competency Committee. Program Administration and Leadership meet with each resident formally one on one every 6 months to review progress through Milestones and establish an Individualized Learning Plan for each resident.
Our Surgical Curriculum has been expanded to reflect the incorporation of simulation as an important component of surgical training, as well as to incorporate a Robotics Curriculum into our general OB/GYN residency. Dr. Rebecca Hunt, Medical Director of Inpatient Obstetric Services, has developed a formal OB simulation/team training curriculum that utilizes state-of-the-art simulation technology to teach individual and team obstetrical skills. These sessions take place quarterly and focus on a myriad of high risk, low frequency, obstetrical emergencies.
We have a formal elective month in the PGY3 year to further allow residents to pursue interests that may not be available during the remainder of the traditional schedule, including but not limited to global health opportunities, exposure to rural practice, potential future employment opportunities, or electives at institutions sponsoring fellowships to enhance learning and potentially support fellowship application process. In addition, during ambulatory rotations, there is built in flexibility to potentially allow residents to choose ambulatory experiences that will round out their individual education.
Maine Medical Center