Franklin Hospital

Health Risk Assessment

Healthy Community Coalition's health risk assessment (HRA) program includes a review of multiple factors that affect your health. The main focus is on heart health but many of the areas discussed and measured also affect many other areas of your health, including but not limited to diabetes, cancer, asthma, and osteoporosis. A health counselor will meet with you in a private area. An HRA screening may include all or part of the information listed below. Each encounter may take 20-30 minutes.

  • Cholesterol - Finger stick cholesterol will be done to measure your Total and HDL (good) cholesterol. You do not need to be fasting for these measurements.
  • Blood Pressure - Your blood pressure will be checked. *Please refrain from caffeine and/or tobacco for 30 minutes prior to your appointment.
  • Blood Glucose - Finger stick will be done to measure a random blood sugar reading. 
  • Measurements may include weight, height, and hip/waist measurement.
  • Body Composition Analysis - Includes measurements such as BMI, lean body mass, water composition, and body fat ratio. 
  • Family History and a brief review of your medical history will be discussed.
  • Tobacco use/exposure, physical activity, nutrition, and stress will be discussed.

At the end of the encounter, a report with all your results and comments about these results will be generated and given to you.  A report may also be sent to your medical provider with your permission.

Your encounter and information is confidential. The information is stored in our biometric database that is only accessible to you and authorized staff. An aggregate report will be generated to look at different areas of biometrics but no individual data will be generated.

Contact Us

For more information, please call 207-779-3136.