Test catalog, scheduling, locations, critical value information and more

Join the NorDx Laboratories team

View our certificates and accreditation that ensure laboratory services of superior value

NorDx lab testing services include supplies for collecting samples. We are currently experiencing shortages of select items. Learn more.

Access our supply requisition form.

Proud to be part of the MaineHealth family
We are proud to be part of MaineHealth, a not-for-profit, integrated health system whose vision is, “Working together so our communities are the healthiest in America.” MaineHealth is committed to a mission of providing high-quality affordable care, educating tomorrow's caregivers and researching better ways to provide care.
NorDxNow (for Health Care Providers)
Providers can access current and past results online anytime. Contact your Account Manager for details or complete our NorDxNow Access Request Form and return it to: NorDx_Account_Managers@mainehealth.org